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It was the Reule’s compassion for the lost children of their community that prompted them to open their home in 1953 for a Sunday School.


In 1954 an answer to Mr. Ruele’s prayer when they were able to construct a 40’ X 26’ chapel on land donated by the four Adams brothers for the purpose of building a church and The Downtown Full Gospel Church adopted the Forest Lawn Sunday School as a home missions project.


This building housed Sunday School but also provided the opportunity for the Christians in the community to meet for worship on Sunday.  This young church was established with priorities that would strengthen and build this body of believers into a thriving and growing congregation.


1955 a bus ministry was established in order to pick children up in Albert Park and Valleyfield to ensure that this life changing Gospel was spread to the neighboring communities.


Pastor Irvin Ellis was the first full time pastor in January 1955.  Norman Worth filled the position as Pastor from 1957 to 1962.  The church went through many changes due to a growing congregation.  In 1960 they took steps to establish their own church government without leadership from the downtown church.  A boys and girls club was begun and the youth became self-governing.  Sunday School supported branch works in Kathryn under the leadership of Irvin and Neolla Wileman and in Cochrane under the leadership of Basil and Nadine Powers.


In 1960 a manse was built as the basement of the church was needed for Sunday School.  80% of the work was done by volunteer labor.


The Worths were the first residents and lived there until 1962 when he resigned to answer a call to a foreign mission field.


The Switzers accepted the call to Forest Lawn and began their ministry there in August 1962.  The Sunday School continued to grow and in 1969 fluctuated around 300.


In order to accommodate the growth two more building projects were undertaken.


In October 1979 it was agreed to purchase 1.55 acres in Falconridge for a price of $220k.  The “Together We Build” program was adopted with the rallying cry for “equal sacrifice”.


Meanwhile the church was continuing to grow under the leadership of Rev. R. T. Wilson and in August 28, 1980 a system of two Sunday morning services was implemented which continued until January 1982.


The first service in the new Falconridge facility was held in January 17th 1982.  It has provided the consistent, committed leadership that was essential in maintaining a unified church that was both willing and able to impact their community for the Kingdom of God.



Irvin Ellis (1955-57)                                                                                                                                     

Norman Worth (1957-62)                                                                                                                       

Merv Switzer (1962-69)                                                                                                                       

Ed Kurtz (1969-71)                                                                                                                                 

R.T. Wilson (1971-94)                                                                                                                               

Wade Brewer (1992-94)                                                                                                                           

Lloyd Schuetz (1994-95)                                                                                                                 

Garth Knapp (1995-2000)                                                                                                                     

Wayne Derdall (2000-2006)                                                                                                                 

Scott Hill (2006-2022)                                                                                                                            



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